Tips for Homebuying with Family Members

Diane Gogar • May 01, 2019

Pooling resources with parents or siblings opens possibilities when it comes to buying a home everyone can afford. Homebuying requires careful planning though, since there’s so much at stake—and money is the least of it; we’re talking love and loyalty here.

If you want to buy a home with family members (and still be on speaking terms during family functions) this is what you need to consider.

Answer this: Why are you moving in together?

Perhaps mom and dad need to downsize and want to be closer to their children. Maybe one of those children needs after-school care for the kids, or someone has gone through a divorce and needs family support…

Besides saving money, families considering buying a home together often have non-financial issues that make it a good choice. Agree on how you’ll all help each other—cooking communal meals; driving parents to medical appointments or kids to school; etc.

Now you need to separate those personal arrangements from the legal aspects of buying a home together. This isn’t Thanksgiving dinner, it’s business.

Hire a lawyer.

All homebuyers should use a lawyer, and that’s especially true for families buying together. Be prepared to spend more on legal services too. Why? There’s more to cover.

The following commitments and promises should be considered when preparing binding legal documents.

Disclose your financial standing.

All potential co-owners should share their credit report (it’s free here) with the group. You may want wine for this meeting.

If you’re applying for a mortgage together (the Family Plan Programis designed to help with this) you need to know where each person stands to determine how that could impact all family members.

Be prepared to tell your clan how much you have for a downpayment and how much you can pay monthly. Add up everyone’s contribution and use our calculator hereto figure out how much family home you can afford.

Imagine the future.

A home should be a long-term commitment, but life happens: job loss or out-of-town promotion, a baby, illness—those are just a few things that impact your life. Discuss what impact they could have on your housing arrangement.

For example, under what circumstances could the property be sold? For instance: What happens if not all co-owners want to sell at the same time?

Consider setting a minimum amount of time that everyone will commit. (Your mortgage term is a good place to start.) Then plan for what could happen after that.

For example, you may want to do some research around what financial options are available to you when one owner wishes to leave – such as buying out that owner’s share. Or, the empty unit could be rented to generate income that would pay back, over time, the owner who wanted to sell.

The solutions will be as unique as your family. Talk it all through first.

Consider upkeep and upgrades.

Decide how to cover emergency expenses, like a roof or HVAC repair, and less urgent improvements, such as exterior painting.

An easy approach is to open a high interest-rate savings account and have everyone contribute to it monthly.

Here’s where things get tricky: Let’s say you want to upgrade bathroom and kitchen fixtures. That will make your personal space extra nice, but it could also improve the building’s energy efficiency and resale value. Will all family members contribute financially to your upgrades?

These may seem like details for later, but small grievances can snowball into big resentments. Tackle them before signing day. And remember, for any transaction of this nature, it is crucial to consult with a mortgage professional before proceeding.

Contact me anytime, I would love to point you in the right direction.

This article was written by Genworth Canada and first appeared on their website here.

By Diane Gogar 08 May, 2024
You’ve most likely heard that there are two certainties in life; death and taxes. Well, as it relates to your mortgage, the single certainty is that you will pay back what you borrow, plus interest. With that said, the frequency of how often you make payments to the lender is somewhat up to you! The following looks at the different types of payment frequencies and how they impact your mortgage. Here are the six payment frequency types Monthly payments – 12 payments per year Semi-Monthly payments – 24 payments per year Bi-weekly payments – 26 payments per year Weekly payments – 52 payments per year Accelerated bi-weekly payments – 26 payments per year Accelerated weekly payments – 52 payments per year Options one through four are straightforward and designed to match your payment frequency with your employer. So if you get paid monthly, it makes sense to arrange your mortgage payments to come out a few days after payday. If you get paid every second Friday, it might make sense to have your mortgage payments match your payday. However, options five and six have that word accelerated before the payment frequency. Accelerated bi-weekly and accelerated weekly payments accelerate how fast you pay down your mortgage. Choosing the accelerated option allows you to lower your overall cost of borrowing on autopilot. Here’s how it works. With the accelerated bi-weekly payment frequency, you make 26 payments in the year. Instead of dividing the total annual payment by 26 payments, you divide the total yearly payment by 24 payments as if you set the payments as semi-monthly. Then you make 26 payments on the bi-weekly frequency at the higher amount. So let’s use a $1000 payment as the example: Monthly payments formula: $1000/1 with 12 payments per year. A payment of $1000 is made once per month for a total of $12,000 paid per year. Semi-monthly formula: $1000/2 with 24 payments per year. A payment of $500 is paid twice per month for a total of $12,000 paid per year. Bi-weekly formula: $1000 x 12 / 26 with 26 payments per year. A payment of $461.54 is made every second week for a total of $12,000 paid per year. Accelerated bi-weekly formula: $1000/2 with 26 payments per year. A payment of $500 is made every second week for a total of $13,000 paid per year. You see, by making the accelerated bi-weekly payments, it’s like you end up making two extra payments each year. By making a higher payment amount, you reduce your mortgage principal, which saves interest on the entire life of your mortgage. The payments for accelerated weekly payments work the same way. It’s just that you’d be making 52 payments a year instead of 26. By choosing an accelerated option for your payment frequency, you lower the overall cost of borrowing by making small extra payments as part of your regular payment schedule. Now, exactly how much you’ll save over the life of your mortgage is hard to nail down. Calculations are hard to do because of the many variables; mortgages come with different amortization periods and terms with varying interest rates along the way. However, an accelerated bi-weekly payment schedule could reduce your amortization by up to three years if maintained throughout the life of your mortgage. If you’d like to look at some of the numbers as they relate to you and your mortgage, please don’t hesitate to connect anytime; it would be a pleasure to work with you.
By Diane Gogar 01 May, 2024
It’s a commonly held belief that if you’ve made your mortgage payments on time throughout the entirety of your mortgage term, that the lender is somehow obligated to renew your mortgage. The truth is, a lender is never under any obligation to renew your mortgage. When you sign a mortgage contract, the lender draws it up for a defined time, so when that term comes to an end, the lender has every right to call the loan. Now, granted, most lenders are happy to renew your mortgage, but several factors could come into play to prevent this from happening, including the following: You’ve missed mortgage payments over the term. The lender becomes aware that you’ve recently claimed bankruptcy. The lender becomes aware that you’re going through a separation or divorce. The lender becomes aware that you lost your job. Someone on the initial mortgage contract has passed away. The lender no longer likes the economic climate and/or geographic location of your property. The lender is no longer licensed to lend money in Canada. Again, while most lenders are happy to renew your mortgage at the end of the term, you need to understand that they are not under any obligation to do so. So how do you protect yourself? Well, the first plan of action is to get out in front of things. At least 120 days before your mortgage term expires, you should be speaking with an independent mortgage professional to discuss all of your options. By giving yourself this lead time and seeking professional advice, you put yourself in the best position to proactively look at all your options and decide what’s best for you. When assessing your options at the time of renewal, even if the lender offers you a mortgage renewal, staying with your current lender is just one of the options you have. Just because your current lender was the best option when you got your mortgage doesn’t mean they are still the best option this time around. The goal is to assess all your options and choose the one that lowers your overall cost of borrowing. It’s never a good idea to sign a mortgage renewal without looking at all your options. Also, dealing with an independent mortgage professional instead of directly with the lender ensures you have someone working for you, on your team, instead of seeking guidance from someone with the lender’s best interest in mind. So if you have a mortgage that’s up for renewal, whether you’re being offered a renewal or not, the best plan of action is to protect yourself by working with an independent mortgage professional. Please connect anytime; it would be a pleasure to work with you!
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